Google has been providing free webfonts for a few months. I think more and more websites would start to use it since it's free and easy to install. It could be wise to have a copy of fonts on my own computer.
Here is what I did:
mkdir ~/.fonts # I didn't have it, or you can install it system-wide at /usr/share/fonts
cd ~/.fonts
hg clone googlefontdirectory
fc-list | grep Lobster # Check if it's installed
That's it. Google has a Code project for these files. The amazing thing is you can update those fonts easily (Fonts has versions, too), just enter the font directory (~/.fonts/googlefontdirectory
) and run hg pull
. (I think fc-cache
would be needed to refresh?)
You will need hg (Mercurial).
Before I found this Code project via FAQ, I tried to find out how many fonts are already available in Gentoo Portage tree. Only three.
Font name Package name Cantarell Cardo cardo Crimson Text Droid Sans droid Droid Sans Mono droid Droid Serif droid IM Fell Inconsolata inconsolata Lobster Molengo Neuton Nobile OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT Old Standard TT Reenie Beanie Tangerine Vollkorn Yannoe Kaffeesatz
So, manually install from repo is the only option and it definitely will be much faster than using emerge.
On Windows? God help me. On Mac? It's Apple, you are not supposed to install stuff like that. (Okay, I don't know how to install a font on Mac)