It means I am reading questions on StackOverflow because I was bored and have run out of my blogging to-do list, getting nothing to do. So I re-enabled StackOverflow in my and improved the exclusion filter better, also took a good advantage of pyratemp's for loop syntax.
I can now exclude categories (tags as in term of feedparser or WordPress?):
It lists feed entries' tags using this pyratemp syntax:
'[snip] @!entry["title"]!@ @!ansi.figreen!@@!tag["term"]!@ @!ansi.freset!@[snip]'
It works better than StackOverflow's website, the highlighter and filter on SO is very primitive and it only does simple text matching. In clis, I can use regular express in my program which can exclude many at once.
Some qualities of questions are very poor, either they are totally nothing to do with programming or you still can't understand where the question is after you read them twice or thrice. Some don't know what tags are for, or they tag with their very happy mind.
while my exclusion filter list is still growing...