Then, I downloaded the Kubuntu 10.10 Alpha 3. Why Kubuntu? Because I want to try the KDE 4.5, though it has only 4.5 RC (4.5 official release is out few days ago). Still no luck.
Just two failures. You can't beat me that easy!
I tried Haiku alpha 2, oh BeOS! After its beautiful booting screen, it went blank. Moved on.
ReactOS 0.3.11 was next. I wondered if it has same login sound effect? It went very well and fast, the whole installation process was taken less than 5 minutes. Reboot, well, I got GRUB recuse prompt, which was from Kubuntu install. How would that be possible? I thought ReactOS override MBR?
So, four failures, so far. I wasn't done yet.
Next, Arch Hurd LiveCD 2010-06-05, I wanted to try GNU/Hurd. I couldn't pass Install System.
Okay, that's five failures. I have enough.
Friday the 13th is meant to make you fail. (or die?)