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Showing posts with label bad mood. Show all posts

main (int argc, char **argv)
  // the fuck
  char fuck[] = "Well, fuck everybody. Amen.";
  // the hell
  typedef char* hell;

  // fuck as hell
  puts((hell) fuck);

  // fuck to the end
  return fuck[sizeof fuck];
Not sure what has gotten me. But fuck as hell.

(I apologize for strong language in recent posts. But if you don't like, then GTFO!)

It is like it wasn't bad enough for me, now you like
while :; do echo You should blah blah blah ...; done &
Didn't think little quiet peace would be hard to have, but you just have to screw me, then stab me in the back, right? After, you do it again! Frak!

Just STFU, will you?