If you know about HTML, you probably had use:
<a name="Damn">Blogger Drives Me Crazy!</a>
<a href="Damn">Go to Blogger Drives Me Crazy</a>
So the code above provides a
in-page link. I tried to write a blog posting with that, Blogger's Compose mode made me crazy!
You have to enter the HTML code
name="Damn" in HTML mode, that would be fine as long as you don't switch back to Compose mode. If you do, your code will be inserted with new attribution
href and a link will be assigned to it. That wasn't the result you would like to see.
So basically, you must stay in HTML mode. However, sometimes, WYSIWYG is too convenient. Even you are a HTML nuts, you may accidentally switch to Compose mode. If your page is still Draft, God bless you! Your code has been messed up! Because of autosave.
So, I go back to Google Docs, I had been using it to write a while ago. The only problem with it is the images. I used to compose in it, then paste into Blogger's edit and inserted the photos.
Obviously, this will not be working this time.
So, I put image in Google Docs and modify the code to make it hotlink to Google Docs' server to serve images.
Here is the steps:
- Edit your document in Google Docs
- Copy HTML code from Edit/Edit HTML
- Use a editor can support regular expression replacement. I use Vim. After the HTML in VIm, type :%s_"File_"http://docs.google.com/File_g
- Paste the modified code to Blogger's editor. Don't switch to Compose mode.
This is terrible, just for
name attribution. But I really don't know if there is a better way to do this. However there is a benefit of using Google Docs to do such task, it's easy to maintain those links (Bookmarks in Google Docs), you don't have to type those anchor names, you can choose from list. No typos any more.